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Confraternity of San Carlo Borromeo - Diocese of Sessa Aurunca

Sessa Aurunga - CE

Statutes-Bulls - (Campania)

  • Confraternity of San Carlo Borromeo

    In the ancient town of Sessa Aurunca, one of the fundamental and characterizing elements, especially during Holy Week, are undoubtedly the ancient brotherhoods.

    In Sessa there are currently six active Confraternities, one of which is the Confraternity of S. Carlo Borromeo.

    The Confraternity was established in 1615 and has its headquarters in the ancient church of San Carlo. In ancient times it was the coven of artisans and unskilled workers and also the most numerous in terms of the number of brothers. It organizes the Holy Saturday procession, being the guardian of the mystery of the deposition of Christ, known for this reason, mystery of San Carlo, and the penitential procession of Holy Wednesday morning. The Confreres wear a white robe and hood and the mozzetta (with the cord) in "red" color, on the coat of arms is depicted San Carlo Borromeo.

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edited by Giuseppe Calarota



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