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Royal Assent of King Ferdinand of the Bourbons

Archconfraternity Maria SS. Del Carmine - Diocese of Nola

Nola - NA

Royal Assent of King Ferdinand of the Bourbons - (Campania)

  • Archconfraternity Maria SS. del Carmine

    In the ancient Nola of the early Middle Ages, in the vicolo degli Anzi, now vico Fellecchia, there was a votive shrine of Maria SS. del Carmine which attracted numerous devotees and faithful.

    Due to the regularity of religious practices, connected to the veneration of the Madonna del Carmelo, many faithful continued to meet on the spot every festive day.

    Due to the great associative fervor of the faithful, a group was founded which in 1705, at its own expense, erected the current church and its adjacent factory structures, thus constituting itself, in 1710, into a Congregation, duly recognized by the ecclesiastical authorities.

    In February 1777, with the Royal Assent of King Ferdinand of the Bourbons, it was recognized as a "Foundation" for men only and on April 26 it obtained the faculty of aggregating women as well.

    There was a ban on the burial of bodies in churches and other places outside cemeteries (established by the Napoleonic edicts).

    For the great faith shown with works of charity, piety and concrete entrustment to the cult of Maria SS. del Carmine, the body was elected as Archconfraternity with a special provision of Pope Pius IX who gave the faculty to aggregate other Confraternities by extending them indulgences, graces and privileges, as granted by the Mother Church.

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