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regulation of October 1776

Confraternity of SS. Rosario - Diocese of Oria

Oria - BR

Statutes-Bolle - (Puglia)

  • Confraternity of SS. Rosary

    The Confraternity of the SS. Rosario di Oria, in the province of Brindisi, presents a regulation dated October 1776 which regulates its life both from a spiritual, devotional and behavioral point of view. It promotes the cult of the Blessed Virgin of the Rosary and of St. Dominic. The "uniform" for the Confratelli consists of a white coat and black mozzetta, medallion with the effigy of the Madonna of Pompeii, white belt and crown; for the Sisters, a white coat and black mozzetta with the effigy of the Madonna of Pompeii. The administrators have a golden Greek on the mozzetta and the medallion is larger; the prior's mozzetta is surrounded by embroidered flowers. A recent internal regulation - November 2004 - takes its cue from the various forms of aggregation between Christians and therefore also invites the Confraternity of the SS. Rosary of Oria to live better, "in time and space" the Gospel of Jesus Christ in everyday life and in the spiritual life.

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edited by Giuseppe Calarota



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