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Arciconfraternita Santa Croce - SS. Trinity and Maria Addolorata in S. Francesco - Diocese of Lucera-Troia

Lucera -FG)

Medallion - (Puglia)

  • Archconfraternity of the Holy Cross - SS. Trinity and Maria Addolorata in S. Francesco

    The Archconfraternity dedicated to the Holy Cross, the Holy Trinity and the Blessed Virgin Mary of Sorrows in 1821 created a Medallion with these iconographic images: the Eternal Father with open arms holds the Crucifix with the Son on the Cross, on the same it is the Dove, sign of the Holy Spirit, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit represent the Holy Trinity. At the foot of the Cross, the Blessed Virgin of Sorrows. Around the Medallion the inscription in Latin: “ARCHISODALITAS S. CRUCIS SS. TRINITATIS ET DOLENTIS MATRIS MARIAE ".

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edited by Giuseppe Calarota



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