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Maria succurre miseris

Archconfraternity Sacro Monte dei Morti in S. Giustino - Archdiocese of Chieti-Vasto



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Altarpiece (Abruzzo / Molise)

  • Archconfraternity  Sacred Mount of the Dead in S. Giustino

    Year of foundation 1603 City: Chieti

    Archdiocese: Chieti-Vasto

    Artistic artefact: Altarpiece

    Title: Maria succurre miseris


      Year of execution: 1727

    Author: Paolo De Matteis (Piano Vetrale, 1662 - Naples 1728)

    Brief description of the work and of the author profile: Canvas depicting the Virgin Mary and the souls in purgatory inserted in a mixtilinear wooden frame, painted by the Neapolitan painter Paolo De Matteis, a pupil of Luca Giordano .

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edited by Giuseppe Calarota



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