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Madonna of SS. Rosary

Santissimo Rosario Confraternity - Archdiocese of Catanzaro-Squillace

Gagliano of Catanzaro

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Madonna of SS. Rosario (Calabria)

  • Santissimo Rosario Confraternity

    Foundation year: 1712

    City: Catanzaro Gagliano district

    Archdiocese: Catanzaro-Squillace

    Artistic artefact (canvas, fresco, statue, etc.): Canvas

    Title: Madonna del SS. Rosary

    Dimensions: 2x1,50 m

    Year of execution: 1775

    Author (with year of birth and death): Scavelli Rosario birth Taverna second half 1700, death uncertain

    Brief description of the work and of the author profile: Madonna with Child in the act of offering the Rosary crown to St. Dominic prostrate at his feet. Canvas surrounded by small panels painted with scenes from the fifteen mysteries. Painter of the Mannerist pictorial school of Taverna di Mattia Preti.

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edited by Giuseppe Calarota



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