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The altarpiece of the Transport of Christ to the tomb

Confraternity of the Crocesegnati and SS. Sacramento - Diocese of Senigallia

Senigallia - AN

The altarpiece of the Transport of Christ to the sepulcher (Marche)

  • Confraternity of the Crocesegnati and SS. Sacrament

    The Church of the Cross, dating back to 1608, the oldest and most beautiful in Senigallia (birthplace of Pius IX), was built by the master Girolamo Marini da Barchi based on a design by Muzio Oddi, architect at the court of Urbino. The facade is of Renaissance style divided by four pilasters with composite Corinthian capitals.

    The interior of the Church consists of the oratory of the Confraternity, where daily Adoration is practiced in front of the SS. Sacrament. The plan is rectangular, the walls are covered in gilded wood finely decorated with carvings and reliefs, characteristic of the Baroque style; the whole, however, reveals a sobriety of architectural lines typical of the Renaissance.

    There are seven altars: the main one and three on each side, each of which was originally dedicated to an art guild. The main altar, with a splendid tabernacle, is all a gold embroidery, in floral bas-relief, decorated with festoons and cherubs. In the center there is a railing with tendrils supporting a Cross. Inside there is the statue of the dead Christ, a wooden work of the seventeenth century. Above the altar, a sumptuous backdrop frames the altarpiece by Barocci "The transport of Christ to the sepulcher"; on the sides of the altarpiece there are four works by the Senigallian painter Giovanni Anastasi: below "The Nativity" and "The Adoration of the Magi", above "The Angel Nunziante" and "The Virgin of the Annunciation".

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