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The Madonna dell'Ogninella

Confraternity of San Sebastiano - Archdiocese of Catania


The Madonna dell'Ogninella - (Sicily)

  • Confraternity of San Sebastiano

    The construction of the Church was begun in 1711 to honor the Madonna dell'Ogninella, by some members of the Catania nobility, who founded a Congregation which had as its purpose the devotion to God Our Lord and to the Holy Virgin Mary, the exercise of charity, visits to the sick and assistance to brothers at the hour of death. The task of designing the building was entrusted to the abbot Giambattista Vaccarini. In the year 1740 the Church was opened to the worship of the faithful. In 1985 the Confraternity of San Sebastiano began a complex restoration work, returning it to worship in 1999. The main altar of the Church consists of a wall complex where the "Madonna dell'Ogninella" is depicted. The painting can be dated to the second half of 1500. The wall complex is integrated with new and beautiful polychrome marbles, identical in structure and style to  the original ones of the ancient baroque canteen

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