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Painting: The Mercy of Mary

Confraternity M. SS. della Misericordia and S. Giovanni Battista - Diocese of Ragusa

Chiaramonti Gulfi - RG

The Mercy of Mary - (Sicily)

  • Confraternity M. SS. della Misericordia and S. Giovanni Battista

    Since 1587, the lay Brotherhood of "Mary Mother of Mercy" met in the Church of San Giovanni Battista in Chiaramonte Gulfi, whose statute was recognized by the Ecclesiastical Authority on 19 December 1796. The painting depicts the Mercy of Mary and this work , by an unknown author, is attributed to the school of Alberto Durer, presumably dating back to 1699. In the lower part of the painting we see a Brother in agony in bed, the priest who administers the anointing of the sick and the devil ready to tear that soul away .

    At the foot of the bed dominates the figure of St. John the Baptist who, with his gaze upwards, begs the intercession of the Angels and the Holy Martyrs, led by St. Michael the Archangel, so that the Virgin at the foot of the Holy Trinity has Mercy of that soul and, welcoming it, may present it to the Throne of the Most High to enjoy eternally the Glorious Kingdom of the Father.

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edited by Giuseppe Calarota



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