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Cradle of the dead Christ

Archconfraternity of the SS. Rosario - Archdiocese of Bari-Bitonto

Bitonto - (BA)

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Dead Christ - (Puglia)

  • Archconfraternity  SS. Rosary

    Foundation year: 1629

    City: Bitonto (BA)

    Archdiocese: Bari-Bitonto

    Artistic artefact (canvas, fresco, statue, etc.): Processional statuary group

    Title: Cradle of the dead Christ

    Dimensions: 150x60 cm

    Year of execution: Dead Christ 17th century. Cradle 1896

    Author (with year of birth and death): Cradle: drawing by Francesco Spinelli, made by the engraver brother Domenico Minardi

    Brief description of the work and of the author's profile: The seventeenth-century dead Christ is placed in the cradle in gilded wood and in sumptuous Baroque style, supported by four angular angels and adorned with four small squares on each side depicting the shroud, a rooster, the signs of the Passion, the Roman armor. It is illuminated by eighteen red glass globes which, together with the twenty-four surrounding the platband on which it rests, paint the darkness of the night red.

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edited by Giuseppe Calarota



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