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Square cover in crimson silk satin

Archconfraternity M. SS. of the Rosary  -  Archdiocese of Catanzaro-Squillace



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Square cover in crimson silk satin - (Calabria)

  • Archconfraternity of the SS. Rosary

    Foundation year: 1401

    City: Catanzaro

    Archdiocese: Catanzaro-Squillace

    Artistic artefact (canvas, fresco, statue, etc.): Picture cover

    Title: Square cover in crimson silk satin

    Dimensions: 127 x 127 cm coat of arms: 29 x 32.5 cm     

    Year of execution: XIX century

    Author (with year of birth and death): Unknown, probable southern manufacture

    Brief description of the work and of the author's profile: Quadrangular in shape and with a crimson satin silk fabric, it acts as a picture cover for the central part of the altarpiece of the Madonna del SS. Rosary and Mysteries for liturgical use to cover sacred images during Holy Week. In the center it bears the coat of arms of the Archconfraternity of SS. Rosary. All the decoration is made with golden thread embroidery. The external margin between the chevron and the internal interweaving decoration is 10 cm and entirely covered with a curved branch and decorations with leaves, flowers and berries. In the coat of arms the three hills cover more than half of the shield and the three roses, one for each hill, are all facing right due to the slight curvature of the stem enriched by different leaves. The margins of the coat of arms are formed by S-shaped volutes that are repeated speculatively in the lateral sides while at the top there is a six-pointed crown. The 4 corners inside the margins there is a sprig with rose. The picture cover at the bottom and in the center, has embroidered the letters in capital letters PGP from which it is not sufficiently clear, the probable commission.

    Compiled by the Attorney Prof. Sandro Scumaci

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edited by Giuseppe Calarota



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