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Fresco of the Miracle of San Geminiano of 18 February 1511

Confraternity of S. Geminiano - Archdiocese of Modena-Nonantola


Fresco of the Miracle of San Geminiano of 18 February 1511 (Emilia Romagna)

  • Confraternity of S. Geminiano

    The Church of the Beata Vergine delle Grazie constitutes the spiritual seat of the Confraternity dedicated to San Geminiano, patron saint of Modena, since its most remote early medieval origins.

    However, it had never owned it and when, in the mid-nineteenth century, the Municipality of Modena decided to put it up for sale, the Brother Giulio Campori proceeded with its purchase and destined it for perpetual use to the Sodality, which decided to proceed with works of embellishment, including the frescoes on the vault of the whole sacred building. The task was entrusted to the famous Carpi painter Fermo Forti, who lived in the second half of the nineteenth century, who painted the fresco of the Miracle of San Geminiano on February 18, 1511. In one of the tondi that overlooks the hall is represented the scene of the miracle performed by the heavenly protector on February 18, 1511 in defense of the city, subjected to a harsh siege by the French troops led by the viceroy of France Carlo d'Amboise. San Geminiano presented himself to him in the guise of a poor old man, and dissuaded him by talking to him about a city capable of resisting for a long time, defended by troops capable of launching the attack first.

    Frightened by this vision, the besieging army withdrew and Modena was saved. This anniversary after a few years became the annual patronal feast of the Confraternity: even today the celebratory functions see the participation of a very large number of faithful.

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edited by Giuseppe Calarota



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