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Adoration of the shepherds

Archconfraternity M. SS. of the Rosary  -  Archdiocese of Catanzaro-Squillace



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Adoration of the shepherds - (Calabria)

  • Archconfraternity of the SS. Rosary

    Foundation year: 1401

    City: Catanzaro

    Archdiocese: Catanzaro-Squillace

    Artistic artefact (canvas, fresco, statue, etc.): Painting, oil on canvas

    Title: Adoration of the Shepherds

    Dimensions: 280 x 180 cm

    Year of execution: XVIII century.

    Author (with year of birth and death): Unknown

    Brief description of the work and author's profile: Ovoid-shaped painting depicting the scene of the Adoration of the shepherds. The Madonna and Child are in the center of the canvas dominating the scene that revolves around them. All the other characters are in fact arranged around including the flying group of two cherubs and the angel showing the band with the inscription GLORIA INECELZIS DEO. On the left, St. Joseph is depicted with a halo and a lily in his hand, a bearded man who offers the Madonna some eggs; on the right, a shepherd holds a sheep, another prays and yet another observes the Child by holding on to a stick. At the center, the head of the ox and the donkey take place, completing the circle of the constructive setting that accompanies the limited and orderly vision of the work with instinctive Christmas-themed gestures. Furthermore, with the space in front it is left completely free from figures to give greater breath and impact to the whole scene by focusing the focus of the vision in a more direct way.

    Compiled by the Attorney Prof. Sandro Scumaci

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edited by Giuseppe Calarota



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